


Curriculum vitae

Publications list

PhD dissertation

Awards and honours

TV & radio interviews


Asteroid (183294) Langbroek

Asteroid discoveries

Asteroid naming citations

Astronomy software

Spy satellites

Dutch meteorites

Odonata (Dragonflies)

Weather station

Megaliths (travel blog)

Dubious stuff


Public PGP key

Website first online in 2000
This version went online in 2017

List of my publications and reports

paper covers

Publications proceeded by an asterisk (*) concern peer-reviewed publications and are grouped in the top of each sub-list. The non-reviewed papers concern a selection only. Conference papers are listed as non-refereed.

There are 5 sub-lists: 1. Military Space, 2. Astronomy/Meteoritics, 3. Archaeology, 4. Entomology, 5. Opinion/other.

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Clicking on the journal names will open a window with the abstract or a full pdf of the paper. Fulltext versions can also be found on my Researchgate and Academia.edu pages

*Nandakumar S., Eggle S., Tregloan-Reed J., Adam C., Anderson-Baldwin J., Bannister M.T., Battle A., Benkhaldoun Z., Campbell T., Colque J.P., Damke G., Frayn I.P., Ghachoui M., Guillen P.F.,Kaeouach A. E., Krantz H.R., Langbroek M., Rattenbury N., Reddy V.,Ridden-Harper R., Young B., Unda-Sanza E., Watson A.M., Walker C.E., Barentine J.C., Benvenuti P., Di Vruno F., Peel M.W., Eawls M.L., Bassa C., Flores-Quintana C., García P., Kim S., Longa-Peña P., Ortiz E., Otarola A., Romero-Colmenares A., Sanhueza P., Siringo G. and Soto M.: The high optical brightness of the BlueWalker 3 satellite. Nature 623 (2023), 938-941.

*Peña-Asensio A., Trigo-Rodríguez J.M., Langbroek M., Rimola A. and Robles A.J.: Using fireball networks to track more frequent reentries: Falcon 9 upper stage orbit determination from video recordings. Astrodynamics 5 (2021), 347-358.

Langbroek M.: A North Korean satellite starts showing signs of life (part 2). The Space Review, 8 April 2024.

Langbroek M.: A North Korean satellite starts showing signs of life. The Space Review, 4 March 2024.

Langbroek M., Bassa C., and Molczan T.: Tracking the Dark Side on a shoestring budget. In: Flohrer T., Moissl R. and Schmitz F. (eds.), Proc. 2nd NEO and Debris Detection Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, 24-26 January 2023. ESA Space Safety Program Office, Darmstadt.

Wijnen P., Stuik R., Rodenhuis M., Langbroek M , Rood W., Lischwe L., Schrama E., Visser P. and Bassa C.: FOTOS 2 Final Report. Final report to the RNLAF. Leiden/Delft, January 2023.

Langbroek M.: Kosmos 482: questions around a failed Venera lander from 1972 still orbiting Earth (but not for long). The Space Review, 16 May 2022.

Brouwer H.S.B., Oei H.Y., Botma P., Santos H., De Groot Z. and Langbroek M.: High-Resolution Operational Earth Observation from a 6U Small Satellite. Paper presented at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, 25-29 October 2021

Wijnen T.G.P., Stuik R., Rodenhuis M., Langbroek M. and Wijnja P.: Using all-sky optical observations for automated orbit determination and prediction for satellites in Low Earth Orbit . In T. Flohrer, R. Jehn and F. Schmitz (eds.), Proc. 1st NEO and Debris Detection Conference, Darmstadt, Germany 22-24 January 2019. ESA Space Safety Programme Office, Darmstadt.

Langbroek M.: Why India’s ASAT Test Was Reckless. Publicly available data contradicts official Indian assertions about its first anti-satellite test. The Diplomat, 1 May 2019.

Langbroek M.: Close encounters of the classified kind. The Space Review, 3 Jul 2017.

Langbroek M.: A NEMESIS in the sky. PAN, Mentor 4 and close encounters of the SIGINT kind. The Space Review, 31 Oct 2016.

Langbroek M.: MH17: mogelijkheid van militaire Space Based (satelliet) observaties van het afvuren van een grond-luchtraket. Position paper ten behoeve van het rondetafelgesprek/hoorzitting "Beleidsreactie onderzoeksrapporten over MH17", blok "Radar en satellietgegevens", vaste Tweede Kamer commissie Buitenlandse Zaken, 22 januari 2016.


*Langbroek M., Jenniskens P. Kriegsman L.M., Nieuwenhuis H., De Kort N., Kuiper J. Van Westrenen W. Zolensky M.E., Ziegler K., Yin Q-Z., Sanborn M.E., Wimpenny J., Yamakawa A., de Vet S.J., Meier M.M.M., Welten K.C., Nishiizumi K., Burton A.S., Dworkin J.P., Glavin D.P., Wu Q., Zare R.N., Ruf A., Harir M., Schmitt-Kopplin P. (the Diepenveen Meteorite Consortium): The CM carbonaceous chondrite regolith Diepenveen. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 54 (2019), 1431-1461.

*Langbroek M.: Observational evidence for 'punctuated equilibria' in the evolution of Leonid dust trail widths and implications for meteor rate predictions. Monthly Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 334 (2002), L16-L20.

*Jenniskens P., Lyytinen E., De Lignie M.C., Johannink C., Jobse K., Schievink R., Langbroek M., Koop M., Gural P., Wilson M.A, Yrjölä I., Suzuki K., Ogawa H., De Groote P.: Dust trails of 8P/Tuttle and the unusual outbursts of the Ursid shower. Icarus 159 (2002), 197-209.

*De Lignie M., Langbroek M., Betlem H. and Spurný P.: Temporal variation in the orbital element distribution of the 1998 Leonid outburst. In Jenniskens P., Rietmeijer F., Brosch N. and Fonda M. (eds.), Leonid Storm Research, 295-304, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000). (Also published as: Earth, Moon & Planets 82-83 (2000), 295-304).

*Langbroek M.: Leonid outburst activity 1996: A broad structure and a first occurrence of a narrow peak of fainter meteors. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 34 (1999), 137-145.

*Jenniskens P., Betlem H., De Lignie M., Langbroek M. and Van Vliet M.: Meteor stream activity V. The Quadrantids, a very young stream. Astronomy & Astrophysics 327 (1997), 1242-1252.

*Jenniskens P., Betlem H., De Lignie M. and Langbroek M.: The detection of a dust trail in the orbit of an Earth-threatening long-period comet. The Astrophysical Journal 479 (1997), 441-447.

Langbroek M.: Orbit of the Glanerbrug Meteorite Revised. WGN (J. IMO) 32:5 (2004), 138-140.

Langbroek M.: A spreadsheet that calculates meteor orbits. WGN (J. IMO) 32:4 (2004), 109-110.

Langbroek M.: The November-December delta-Arietids and asteroid 1990 HA: on the trail of a meteoroid stream with meteorite-sized members. WGN (J. IMO) 31:6 (2003), 177-182.

Langbroek M. and De Lignie M.: Preliminary 1998 Sino-Dutch Expedition results on two short-lived activity peaks near nodal passage. WGN (J. IMO) 27:1 (1999), 30-32.

Langbroek M.: A small meteor outburst on June 15-16, 1996. WGN (J. IMO) 24:4 (1996), 115-118.


*Langbroek M.: On the 'Quartzite Palaeolithic' of the Naarder Eng (Huizen, the Netherlands): relevance of a quartzite Neolithic axe find. In: Kluiving S., Kootker L. and Hermans R. (eds.): Interdisciplinarity between Humanities and Science. A festschrift in honour of Prof. Dr Henk Kars. Sidestone Press, Leiden, 2017 (= CLUES vol. 2).

*Langbroek M.: Do tektites really date the bifaces from the Bose (Baise) basin, Guangxi, southern China? J. Human Evol. 80 (2015), 175-178.

*Langbroek M.: Ice Age Mentalists: debating neurological and behavioural perspectives on the Neandertal and modern mind. J. Anthropological Sciences 92 (2014), 285-289. (open access)

*Langbroek M.: Cognitive house plans and evolutionary road maps: A reply to Garifoli's critique of my "Trees and Ladders". Quat. Int. 299 (2013), 119-120.

*Langbroek M.: Trees and Ladders: a critique of the theory of human cognitive and behavioural evolution in palaeolithic archaeology. Quat. Int. 270 (2012), 4-14.

*Langbroek M.: 'Out of Africa', an investigation into the earliest occupation of the Old World. BAR Int. series 1244, Archaeopress, Oxford (2004).

*Langbroek M.: 'Out of Africa', a study into the earliest occupation of the Old World. PhD dissertation, Leiden University, 2003.

*Langbroek M.: The trouble with Neandertals (Debating Neandertals and modern humans in Late Pleistocene Europe). Archaeological Dialogues 8 (2001), 123-151.

*Langbroek M. and Roebroeks W.: 'Extraterrestrial' evidence on the age of the hominids from Java. J. Human Evol. 38 (2000), 595-600.

Verpoorte A., Langbroek M. and Voormolen B.: Het Midden-Paleolithicum van het Heuvelland. Resultaten van veldwerk te Colmont (gemeente Voerendaal). Historische en Heemkundige Studies in en rond het Geuldal 12 (2002), 133-152.

Takken L., Langbroek M., Verpoorte A. and Voormolen B.: Een vuistbijl van de Vrakelberg. Archeologie in Limburg 90 (2002), 11-14.

Langbroek M., Verpoorte A. and Voormolen B.: Colmont-Ponderosa. Het Paleolithicum van de Vrakelberg en omstreken: een verkennend onderzoek. Report to the Province of Limburg, Leiden University (2002).

Langbroek M.: De Rhoonse Baan in Albrandswaard. Een archeologisch vooronderzoek. BOORrapporten 102 (2002).

Langbroek M.: Schiedam DEMOS-terrein. Een archeologisch vooronderzoek op de toekomstige prakeerlocatie van het Vlietlandziekenhuis. BOORrapporten 101 (2002).

Langbroek M.: Spijkenisse Verpleeginrichting. Een archeologisch vooronderzoek. BOORrapporten 98 (2002).

Langbroek M.: Huilen naar de Maan. Een verkennend onderzoek naar de oriëntaties van Nederlandse hunebedden. P.I.T. (archeologische ervaringen) 1:2 (1999), 8-13.

Langbroek M.: Stonehenge van een andere kant bekeken. Continuiteit en transformatie van een megalithisch bouwwerk. P.I.T. (archeologische ervaringen) 1:1 (1999), 31-42.

Langbroek M.: Maastricht-Bélvèdere site H. Techno-typologische analyse van een Midden-Paleolitische vuursteen scatter. Unpublished report, Leiden University (1998).


*Langbroek M.: A new record of the Damselfly Palaiargia ernstmayri (Odonata: Platycnemididae) in the Arfak mountains of New Guinea. Notulae Odonatologicae 9:1 (2018), 1-5.


Langbroek M.: Why India’s ASAT Test Was Reckless. Publicly available data contradicts official Indian assertions about its first anti-satellite test. The Diplomat, 30 April 2019.

Gordijn M. and Langbroek M.: Beslissing Europese Unie: schaf omschakeling zomer- of wintertijd af. Biologische klok speelt grote rol veiligheid en gezondheid. Safety! Magazine 12:1, februari 2019.

Langbroek M.: Opinie: waarom we niet permanent voor zomertijd moeten kiezen. Dagblad van het Noorden 22 september 2018

Clicking on the journal names will open a window with the abstract or a full pdf of the paper. Fulltext versions can also be found on my Researchgate and Academia.edu pages

(c) 2017 by Marco Langbroek